Release Notes

September 20, 2019

Issues Resolved

[ZPD-6753/ZLMC-677] - Web store - When multiple users used to place orders simultaneously, the shipping and taxes calculated for a particular order used to get associated with other order.
To resolve this issue, changes were made in the following files:

  • ZnodeShippingManager.cs

  • ZndeTaxManager.cs

[ZPD-7151/ZLMC-781] - Web store - The additional cost (from the AdditionalCost property in ZnodeShoppingCartItem) was not getting added in the order total when an order is being placed.
To resolve this issue, changes were made in the following files:

  • ZnodePortalCart.cs

  • ReturnOrderLineItemModel.cs

  • SetOrderLineItems method of ZnodeCheckout.cs

  • BindOrderData of OrderService.cs

  • GetReturnLineItem and GetCustomCartItem methods of OrderAgent.cs

[ZPD-7340] - Znode_GetCatalogProductSEODetail SP used to take a lot of time for execution and most of the time, it used to time out. To resolve this issue, the changes have been made in the SP to reduce the time required for execution.

[ZPD-7184] - Admin - Catalog Publish process used to stop on 50% when large Catalog had large data.
To resolve this issue, 

  • Changes were made in the following files:

    • GetProductCountByQuery, GetCategoryCountByQuery, CopyAssociatedProductsToMongo and SetPublishStatus methods of PreviewHelper.cs file

  • Following were added:

    • GetPublishProductCountByQuery and GetPublishCategoryCountByQuery methods were added in PreviewHelper.cs file

    • GetEntityListCount method in MongoRepository.cs

[ZPD-7191] - Admin - The label "Enable Persistent Cart" was incorrect and was therefore renamed to "Enable Cart Redirect".

To resolve this issue, changes were made in the following files:

  • Admin_Resources.Designer.cs

  • ResourcesConstants.cs

  • site.css

  • global.scss

  • CreateEdit.cshtml

[ZPD-6408/ZLMC-575] - Admin - Payment Status used to show Captured even the status was Failed for Authorize.net payment method.

To resolve this issue, changes were made in the following files:

  • DoExpressCheckoutPayment

  • ZnodeEnum

  • ZnodePaymentStatus methodo of GatewayResponseModel

  • PaymentStatusId method of PaymentModel

  • ZnodeCheckout

[ZPD-6756/ZLMC-678] - Web store - Sort By Price does not use to work when full page caching is on.

To resolve this issue, changes were made in the following files:

  • ProductList.cshtml

  • IsSkipCacheQueryStringExists and UseCache methods of ZnodePageCache.cs

  • Index and CategoryContent methods of CategoryController

[ZPD-7002/ZLMC-734] - The Global.asax -> SessionStart does not use to work properly for Enable Persistent Cart settings.

To resolve this issue, 

  • Changes were made in the following files:

    • GetCartCount method of CartAgent.cs

    • GetReturnUrlAfterLogin method of .UserAgent.cs

    • Session_Start method of Webstorehelper.cs

  • cartCountAfterLogin method was added in CartAgent.cs file

[ZPD-6579/ZLMC-629] - Admin - Error message used to get displayed when General- Custom report was generated.

To resolve this issue, changes were made in the web.config file.

[ZPD-7064/ZLMC-747] - Web store - With invalid search, duplicate products were getting displayed on the web-store.
To resolve this issue, changes were made in GetResultFromSuggestions method of SearchService.cs file.

[ZPD-7077/ZLMC-713] - Admin - Unnecessary errors were getting generated in the Application Logs.

To resolve this issue, changes were made in the GetDynamicProperty method of ObjectExtension.cs file.

[ZPD-7115/ZLMC-772] - Admin - Errors were getting generated when image generation was in process.

To resolve this issue, changes were made in the following files:

  • CreateStore method of StoreAgent.cs

  • SaveDefaultDisplaySetting method of StoreAgent.cs

[ZPD-7138/ZLMC-777] - Admin - When removing the additional views, they were not getting removed from the Edit Product page.

To resolve this issue, changes were made in the Znode_GetPimProductAttributeValues SP

[ZPD-7177/ZLMC-791] - Web store - "Percent Off Shipping With Carrier" discount was not getting calculated on the Cart page.

To resolve this issue, changes were made in the Calculate method of ZnodeShoppingCart.cs file.

[ZPD-7187/ZLMC-793] - Some categories were not getting generated in the Category sitemap XML file. 

To resolve this issue changes were made in Znode_GetCategoryFeedList SP

[ZPD-7192/ZLMC-796] - Admin - The Order list used to take a long time to load the data.

To resolve this issue, changes were made in Znode_GetOmsOrderDetail SP

[ZPD-7193/ZLMC-795] - Admin - Time out error used to get displayed when Advanced Coupon Report was generated. 
To resolve this issue, changes were made in ZnodeReport_GetCouponFiltered and ZnodeDevExpressReport_GetCouponFiltered SPs.

[ZPD-7299/ZLMC-811] - Web store - There was a spelling mistake in the address validation message and was therefore fixed by making changes in the WebStore_Resources.Designer.cs and WebStore_Resources.resx files

[ZPD-7282] - Earlier for every entity, a new instance used to get generated in Mongo. This process was time taking. 
To resolve this issue, now, a single instance will get created for all the existing or new entities in MongoClient and Log4Mongo. 
To implement this, changes were made in MongoConnectionHandler.cs and packages.config files. Also, DropDatabase method was removed from MongoConnectionHandler.cs file.

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