Release Notes

August 30, 2019


Default Attribute Value Import


With this release, admin users will have the ability to import the default values of the attributes using the Import feature.

To implement this functionality, changes were made in Znode_ImportValidatePimProductData stored procedure and Znode_ImportAttributeDefaultValue stored procedure was added.

Clear Cache feature for the default store


In the Znode admin application, admin users can associate stores with multiple URLs. Earlier, whenever Clear Cache action was initiated, it used to clear the cache of all the stores whose URLs were present within the store module. 

This process used to consume a lot of time. Therefore the code for Clear Cache action has been modified only for the default URLs saved under the store module. Therefore now whenever this action will be initiated, the cache of the store(s) hosted only on the default URL(s) will get cleared.

To implement this enhancement changes were made in the GenerateCacheUrlAndCall,ClearCache,ReInitializeCacheForLogConfiguration and GetActiveDomain methods of ClearCacheHelper file.

Performance: Product Feed Generation


The product feed generation process used to take a long time with large product data.

Therefore to improve the performance and to reduce the generation time of the product feeds, the code written in the Znode_GetProductFeedList stored procedure has been optimized to a larger extent.

Performance: Product Export


The product export process used to take a long time with large product data.

Therefore to improve the performance and to reduce the time required for exporting, changes were made in:

  • GetAllProductList method of ExportAgent file

  • GetExportProductList method of ProductAgent and IProductAgent files

  • ProductExportChunkSize method of ZnodeAdminSettings file

  • Web.config file

Issues Resolved

[ZPD-6480/ZLMC-601] - Web store - After products are added to cart if any product(s) goes out of stock, no message used to get displayed on the cart page and checkout page. Also, when the customer (shopper) tries to checkout, the page used to continuously load in a loop.

To resolve this issue, changes were made in SubmitOrder method of CheckoutAgent.cs file.

[ZPD-6832] - Admin - Even after canceling the order, the payments were not getting refunded in the Payflow account.

To resolve this issue, changes were made in UpdateOrder and VoidRefundPayment methods of OrderAgent.cs file.

[ZPD-7001/ZLMC-733] - Admin - On initiating a store publish action, the application used to display an error. 

To resolve this issue, changes were made in the Znode_GetPublishProductbulk stored procedure.

[ZPD-5498/ZLMC-328] - Amazon Pay - Incorrect seller Id was getting displayed at Amazon Pay payment gateway’s end.

To resolve this issue, changes were made in,

  • SetOrderReferenceDetails method of AmazonPayProvider.cs file

  • SetAmazonPayDetails method of CheckoutAgent.cs file

  • SetAmazonPayDetails method of ICheckoutAgent.cs file

  • SubmitAmazonOrder method of CheckoutConroller.cs file

  • AmazonPayPayment method

  • Checkout.ts file

[ZPD-5594/ZLMC-358] - Admin - Search with special characters used to display invalid results on the Products list page.

To resolve this issue, an HttpUtility.HtmlDecode was added in textbox value of _FilterPopover.cshtml

[ZPD-5764/ZLMC-410] - Admin - After adding multiple products in Percentage Off Product promotion, the search in Associate Products popup used to stop searching for products by SKU. 

To resolve this issue, changes were made in AssociatedProductsList XML.

[ZPD-6171/ZLMC-510] - When no file is available on the specified patch and the Product Refresh is triggered path, an incorrect message used to get displayed.

To resolve this issue, changes were made in

  • ProductRefresh method of ZnodeMockERPConnector.cs file

  • TriggerTaskScheduler method of TouchPointConfigurationAgent.cs

  • TriggerTaskScheduler method of TouchPointConfigurationController.cs file

  • ResourceConstant.cs

  • ERP_Resources.cs

  • ERP_Resources.Designer.cs

[ZPD-6410/ZLMC-573] - Admin & Web store - While placing an order from the web store, if admin user unchecks the “Add in Address book” option, then the respective Manage Order page in the admin application used to display the empty address in Edit Shipping Address popup.

To resolve this issue, 

  • Changes were made in:

    • ZnodeOmsOrderDetail table

    • ZnodeOmsOrderShipment table

    • AddressHelper file

  • Following were added:

    • GetorderdetailsById method in IOrderAgent interface and OrderAgent file

    • FromBillingShipping, omsOrderId and omsOrderShipmentId properties in AddressModel file

    • UpdateOrderAddress method in IOrderClient interface and OrderClient file

[ZPD-6544/ZLMC-627] - Due to multiple clear cache calls, SPP Content blocks used to take a good amount of time to get published.

To resolve this issue, changes were made in CopyEntityWithinMongo, CopyEntityFromSQLToMongo, SaveGlobalMessageToMongo and PublishIndividualCMSEntity methods of GlobalMessageService file.

[ZPD-6568/ZLMC-635] - Admin - The Advanced Order report used to display incorrect data when the current date and 12 AM - 11:59 PM start time and end time was selected.

To resolve this issue, changes were made in ZnodeDevExpressReport_GetOrderDetails stored procedure.

[ZPD-6678/ZLMC-662] - Web store - When a configurable product was viewed, the child product of the respective product used to get displayed on the Recently Viewed Products widget.

To resolve this issue, changes were made in UpdateRecentViewedProducts method of ProducAgent.cs file.

[ZPD-6715] - Admin - Incorrect notification message used to get displayed when a customer (shopper) was created from the Edit Account module.

To resolve this issue, changes were made in _AddCustomerAsidePanel.cshtml

[ZPD-7165/ZLMC-787] - Web store - The category list page used to display the facets of products that were not available in the category.

To resolve this issue, changes were made in IsSkipCacheQueryStringExists method of ZnodePageCache.cs file

[ZPD-6747/ZLMC-675] - Admin - Publishing store with CMS changes was changing the view template of another store.

To resolve this issue, changes were made in the DeleteAllCMSEntitiesFromMongo method of PreviewHelper.cs file.

[ZPD-6924/ZLMC-711] - Admin - A label “Disable Capture” was confusing and was therefore changed to “Display Capture In OMS”. 

To change the label, changes were made in the Admin resources file.

[ZPD-6986/ZLMC-729] - Web store - The updated Robot tag and Canonical URL were not getting displayed on the desired content pages on the web-store.

To resolve this issue, changes were made in the GetSEOAndLocaleDetail method of ContentPageService.

[ZPD-7004/ZLMC-408] - The product details displayed on the cart page did not use to load in the same sequence.

To resolve this issue, changes were made in BindProductDetailsV2 and BindProductDetails methods of ZnodeShoppingCart.cs file.

[ZPD-7015] - Web store - The same product variants were getting displaying multiple times in the Recently Viewed Products section.

To resolve this issue, changes were made in :

  • PublishProductModel

  • ProductViewModel

  • GetProduct and UpdateRecentViewedProducts methods of ProductAgent file

  • GetPublishProduct and GetDefaultConfiurableProduct methods of PublishProductService file

[ZPD-7040] - Admin - Znode admin application did not use to work properly with the Chrome 76 version.

To resolve this issue, changes were made in the tinymce.js library.

[ZPD-7061] - Admin - Multiple error logs were getting generated from the GetKeywordSearchSuggestion method in the Application logs.

To resolve this issue, changes were made in the GetZnodeSearchRequest method of SearchService.cs file.

[ZPD-7063/ZLMC-745] - Admin - Duplicate categories were getting displayed when the same categories were associated twice with the Catalog.

To resolve this issue, changes were made in GetAssociatedCategories method of CMSWidgetConfigurationService file.

[ZPD-7067/ZLMC-744] - Admin - The updated catalog name did not use to get displayed when the Catalogs list page was refreshed.

To resolve this issue, changes were made in the UpdateCatalogResult method of the Catalog.ts file.

[ZPD-7086] - Web store - Configurable product images were not getting displayed in the Recently Viewed Products section.

To resolve this issue, changes were made in

  • GetPublishProduct and GetProductImagePath methods of PublishProductService.cs file

  • GetImageHttpPathSmall method of ImageHelper.cs file

[ZPD-7087/ZLMC-760] -Admin - Admin users were unable to save the shipping entities when the shipping method was created from the Extension Engine.

To resolve this issue, changes were made in SetShippingOption method of Shippings.ts file

[ZPD-7097/ZLMC-762] - Admin - Site search did not use to work in after upgrading to Znode patch.

To resolve this issue, changes were made in the GetZnodeSearchRequest method of SearchService.cs file.

[ZPD-7098/ZLMC-763] - Admin - A TinyMCE script was broken due to which admin users were not able to change the attribute family of products.

To resolve this issue, changes were made in the tinymce.js library.

[ZPD-7114] - Admin - After associating products to category, error message used to get displayed in case of a large number of products.

To resolve this issue, changes were made in the SaveCategoryInMongo method of the CategoryService file.

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