May 29, 2020
Issues Resolved
[ZPD-10136/ZLMC-1338] - Web Store - When a single product was published, multiple entries of the same product with different ZnodeProductIds were getting saved in ElasticSearch due to which same product was displaying multiple times on the web-store.
Important: In order to merge this change, MongoDB and Elastic Search need to be flushed so that no garbage data is present.
[ZPD-10392/ZLMC-1378] - After ZnodePublishProductAttributeXML and ZnodePublishCatalogProductDetail DB tables are truncated, if catalog was published, then values for some attributes were not getting updated.
Implementation Details
[ZPD-10136/ZLMC-1338] - Web Store - When a single product was published, multiple entries of the same product with different ZnodeProductIds were getting saved in ElasticSearch due to which same product was displaying multiple times on the web-store.
To resolve this issue, changes were made in Znode_DeletePublishCatalogProduct stored procedure.
Important: In order to merge this change, MongoDB and Elastic Search need to be flushed so that no garbage data is present.
[ZPD-10392/ZLMC-1378] - After ZnodePublishProductAttributeXML and ZnodePublishCatalogProductDetail DB tables are truncated, if catalog was published, then values for some attributes were not getting updated.
To resolve this issue, changes were made in Znode_InsertUpdatePimCatalogProductDetail stored procedure.